Tuesday 4 December 2012

Please Donate To The 'Save Nicole Scherzinger's Career' Charity Fund

With Nicole Scherzinger preparing to end your fave's career with her future smash "Boomerang", I thought it would be timely to shine a light on the MIB3 star's shocking plight. After blowing her Pussycat-millions on RedOne's production fee for the critically-acclaimed album track "Club Banger Nation", the pop legend fell on hard times. Not only was Nicky forced to appear on X Factor like a common flop, she also had to sell the rights to Her Name Is Nicole - which sparked an intense bidding war in the Central African Republic.

Now that the Hawaiian diva is finally back on her feet, it's time we showed our appreciation by sending Killer Love straight to number one. If you need any further convincing, watch this unintentionally hysterical promo interview from mid-2011 below. Nicole randomly bursting into an acapella rendition of "AmenJena" around the 2:50 minute mark is comedy gold. This can not be real life! Anyway, help make a difference to one woman's world by purchasing the best non-released (in certain territories) album of last year.


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