Thursday, 6 December 2012

Ke$ha Is A Pop Warrior - Album Review

Warrior is one of the best pop albums of all time. There I said it. You're lucky to get three or four good songs from an artist these days but K$ delivers gem after breathtaking gem. I'm so proud of her. Lady Dolla's sophomore set is brave, funny, raw, original, poetic and extremely fucking catchy. It's also inexplicably uplifting. The mind-expanding opus has perked me up no end - so I highly recommend gifting it to your depressed and downtrodden friends!

Sales predictions are in and the numbers are pretty disappointing. It doesn't help that the album leaked early or was released at the busiest time of year but all that shit is irrelevant. I stan for La Toya, so trust me when I say that chart position is no measure of greatness! And there are at least 6 or 7 potential hit singles on Warrior. It will come good - just keep the faith. Anyway, here's my review. Please note that my rating was changed to 4/5 as an editorial decision. In my mind it's perfect.



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